
Friday Jul 13, 2012
Friday Jul 13, 2012
Friday Jul 13, 2012
We are pleased to announce our GLOBAL DAY OF SERVICE initiative here at Treeleaf. Starting in a few weeks, we will be asking each and all of our Treeleaf folks, in some way, to spend a day making their communities, the lives of others, this world a bit better. This is a chance to live the Virtues of Generosity and Giving, and our Bodhisattva Vows to Aid All Sentient Beings.
Please look for additional information, and ideas for activities suitable for you, in the ENGAGED & CHARITABLE PROJECTS CENTER of our forum. There, we hope to develop a variety of charitable and socially engaged projects and practices seeking to aid and assist our fellow sentient beings in this world. Please join in and do your part.
In fact, this is the "donation" we ask of you for participating in Treeleaf. Our Sangha is Freeing, but not Free ... and though we do not ask for money for our activities here, we do ask EVERYONE to roll up their sleeves and do something to help those truly in need. Thus, I am going to ask every single person sitting in our Sangha, without exception, to join in this. I hope other Buddhists and Buddhist groups ... anyone in fact ... will join with us on this project. This is not simply a matter of writing a check (though that is good too), but rather we will request "hands on" work of some kind taking a day or much of a day. No one type of activity will be required, although some activity is required of you, and there will be an activity suitable for each and all of you to choose, something for everyone despite busy schedules or physical limitations. There is always a way to help.
Please see this thread by Yugen for further information ...
And a bit more on this from me ...
Please visit the forum thread here!

Friday Jul 06, 2012
July Monthly Zazenkai Dharma Talk - Wild Fox Koan
Friday Jul 06, 2012
Friday Jul 06, 2012
Please visit the forum thread here!

Sunday Jul 01, 2012
Blue mountains, gniocchi and Boss coffee
Sunday Jul 01, 2012
Sunday Jul 01, 2012
Please visit the forum thread here!

Sunday Jun 17, 2012
Sit-A-Long with Taigu: Fukanzazengi 6
Sunday Jun 17, 2012
Sunday Jun 17, 2012
If however there is the tiniest gap, heaven and earth are far apart. If the least tendency arises to go against or conform, the mind is lost in confusion.
Cependant, s’il existe le plus petit écart, ciel et terre se séparent. Que s’élèvent la plus légère préférence ou le moindre rejet, l’esprit se perd dans la confusion.
Please visit the forum thread here!

Sunday May 27, 2012

Monday May 21, 2012
SIT-A-LONG with Jundo: The "Non-Bucket" List
Monday May 21, 2012
Monday May 21, 2012
Well, thought I could cross one item off the BUCKET LIST this morning, as a TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN passed across our town in Japan. Except, I soon found out, it was technically -not- a "total eclipse", but something called an "annular eclipse". That means that, because of the distances between sun, moon and earth, the moon does not completely block out the sun's rays, though in turn producing a most spectacular golden ring around the moon (as in the photo). I'd never even heard of an "annular eclipse" before this morning!
It is a pretty rare event (the next won't pass through here for a few hundred years), and thoroughly spectacular nonetheless. Our town was about as close to the central path as possible, making for a most lovely ring, a solar ENSO in the sky! Still, I was rather annoyed that it was not TOTAL ... a bit less than "total" ... thus not quite up to the demanding standards of my Bucket List of things to experience in life "before I kick the bucket".
Oh well, life is always filled with disappointments ... even when it comes to otherwise spectacular, rare eclipses! How silly are we human beings who, in the face of a cosmic miracle, might demand the heavens to put on even a more pleasing show simply for our enjoyment! Aren't we like that about so many of the events, experiences, people and encounters in our lives?
Fortunately, Zen Practice also affords us a "Non-Bucket List" ... or a "Bottom Fell Out of the Bucket List" ... all items checked off from the start!
Today’s Sit-A-Long video follows at this link. Remember: recording ends soon after the beginning bells; a sitting time of 15 to 35 minutes is recommended
Please visit the forum thread here!

Saturday May 05, 2012
SIT-A-LONG with Jundo: Koan Misunderstandings, Koan Dogma
Saturday May 05, 2012
Saturday May 05, 2012
Our Treeleaf Sangha is about to begin dancing - and living - the 100 Koans of the treasured “BOOK OF EQUANIMITY”. So, it’s a good time to look at some all too common MISUNDERSTANDINGS, NARROW VIEWS, BIASES, SECTARIAN DOGMAS, “MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY-isms”, PARTIAL TRUTHS and PREJUDICES that plague discussion of Koan Practice in the modern Zen world.
In doing so, my purpose is not to impose my own sectarian dogma and “my way or the highway-ism” in place of others. In fact, my central point is that there are MANY excellent Paths of Koan Practice, that the Koans belong to all of us. There are MANY good paths up and down the mountainless-mountain.
Discussion of these topics can be surprisingly sensitive to many Zen folks, a bit like challenging any religious talisman, such as Christians discussing “the one true way to believe in Jesus”. (Zen folks can get fired up too when faced with challenges to their own religious sacred cows, although usually in an understated Buddhist way). In fact, there are many right ways to believe in Jesus suited to different believers, just as there are several right ways to practice Koans suited to different practitioners. Thus, most of the following misunderstandings arise from the belief that there is only one right way to enter the Koans, when in fact there has always been more than one way to skin “Nanzan’s cat”.
A few of the common misunderstandings and biases still prevalent arise from the fact that some of the earliest and most popular books on Zen first published in the West, such as the writings by D.T. Suzuki, the “Three Pillars of Zen” and others (including even many current authors), present a certain view and personal approach to the Koans and Koan Practice which (while surely rich and fruitful for such practitioners) seem to characterize various other approaches as less authentic. Those writings often leave the false impression that the views expressed by the authors correctly have represented the one traditional path to Practice with Koans … or even the oldest, most mainstream, or necessarily most fruitful and powerful use of Koans as encountered throughout Zen Buddhist history and for all practitioners.
It simply was not so.
Better said, there have been several ancient, traditional Paths of Koan Practice, each fruitful and boundlessly powerful to those on that Path.
Before beginning discussion, let me underline again that I am not and never will be critical of the ways of Koan Practice expressed by those authors or other Koan practioners, Teachers and Students, undertaking the Koans in personal ways they find powerful, fruitful Practice for their own needs. Wonderful! I support each and all to find and express the Path suitable for their own walking. My point is merely to challenge various wide spread suppositions, narrow sectarian views and a common lack of awareness of Zen Buddhist history regarding the development of Koan Practice that lead to “my way or the highway-ism”. Throughout our history, there have been several enlightening ways of dancing the Koans, and my 'finger wagging' is directed only at those folks who would assert that they stand as guardian of the one and exclusive truly authentic, traditional, most powerful, original, legitimate enlightening way of Koan Practice.
Hockey pucks!
So, what are some of the common misunderstandings, biases, prejudices etc. about Koan Practice? I will discuss these in my talk today, including:
I - The first misunderstanding, believed by many, is that the one truly enlightening, and most ancient or original, way to Practice with Koans is through what is sometimes called “Koan Introspection Zazen”, including the “Kanhua” or “Wa’to” methods of Koan introspection. Although a wondrous way for its practitioners beyond any question of when it developed in history, it is not the only or oldest way. (Likewise, neither is Dogen’s way the “oldest way”, nor the way for all practitioners).
II - Another misunderstanding is the assertion that Dogen (and the Japanese Soto Tradtion overall) did/do not treasure Koans and, what’s more, did/do not cherish “Enlightenment,” including but not limited to so-called 'KENSHO' momentless-moments of Seeing One's Nature. In fact, nothing could be farther from the truth. Whether Dogen treasured “Koan Introspection Zazen” practice for his students is another matter, and the historical record appears to indicate probably not. However, even here, nobody "owns" Dogen any more than anyone "owns" Jesus, and people are free to believe as their religious heart guides them.
III - It is also possibly a misunderstanding that the only or most vital way to express one’s penetration of a Koan is necessarily through a verbal or non-verbal exchange in the dokusan/sanzen room consisting of behavior such as throwing down one’s stick on the ground, drawing a circle in the air, blowing out a candle, MUUUUing, or quoting a line from a classic poem. There is a time for such and, in fact, Dogen could throw down his stick with the best of ‘em. However, many teachers will tell you (not only Soto Zen teachers, but of all stripes) that … while perhaps a good way for many practitioners … such is not the only, or perhaps even the most vital way to express understanding of the Koans, For example, for perhaps the majority of modern Zen teachers today, Koans are truly realized (meaning, to make real and bring to life) in and though actual life, such that it is not so much what one says or does not say in a room … but how one lives, embodying the Teachings and Perspectives contained in the Koans in all one’s life.
IV - The next misunderstanding (actually professed in many books on Zen, but certainly a minority view among Zen Teachers modern or old) is that the Koans must be completely divorced from core Mahayana Buddhist perspectives and Teachings of the Sutras and Commentaries, and are beyond all intellectually graspable logic and ideas of Buddhist philosophy. In such views, the only legitimate way to approach a Koan is not to think about what the Koan means, but rather, to simply throw oneself into the Koan, or even a single phrase or word of the Koan, completely abandoning intellectual reflection and thinking about what particular Buddhist teaching or philosophical perspective is being presented in the Koan. While certainly a good way for many practioners, others may find it divorced from reality in more ways than one!
V - Another partial misunderstanding of the Koans is that, the stranger the behavior or more mysterious the language used, and thus the harder to understand … the more profound the Koan must be as Koans were never meant to be understood in ordinary fashion. In fact, the Koans were generally much much clearer to Buddhist hearers hundreds of years ago, persons familiar with the now forgotten inside jokes, poetic references, Chinese slang and dialect that fills the Koans. The Koans are often rendered unclear simply due to cultural and language differences, the separation of the centuries, and our wilful refusal to think about and study the traditional Buddhist Teachings the Koan is seeking to express. The Koans were not as impenetrable to the monks and educated Buddhists of the past who were very familiar with the philosophy and perspectives of Mahayana Buddhism they stood for. The logic of the Koans often seems strange because the perspectives of Mahayana Buddhism are “strange” to the unaccustomed reader (not strange at all to the initiated). Of course, in that sense ... yes, the Koans are "not understood in our normal reasoning fashion" and transcend many normal ways of experiencing things.
VI – Another misunderstanding is that the Koans must be responded to instantaneously and spontaneously or the response is not valuable. While perhaps true for some, others may believe that sometimes in life we are spontaneous, and sometimes we let things sink slowly into the bones.
VII – Another misunderstanding is that the stories actually happened to real historical figures. In fact, most may have been written centuries after the events depicted, are the product of authors trying to present highly idealized and paradigmatic imagined examples of Zen Master behavior, exist in various conflicting versions of the story, or are only partially traceable to the people and times they descibe. (This misunderstanding is perhaps the least important for, as with any work of fiction, the story is “real” if real and precious to the reader).
Today’s talk is a little longer than usual (35 minutes), and pardon my voice due to a head cold.
Please visit the forum thread here!

Saturday Apr 28, 2012
SIT-A-LONG with Jundo: BIG & small
Saturday Apr 28, 2012
Saturday Apr 28, 2012
It is said that Buddhas and Zen Masters have the amazing power to transcend BIG and small ...
... to make the small TREMENDOUS, and the BIG as tiny as an atom ...
... to know the BIGGEST held easily in the smallest, and to hold the entirety of space and time in a blade of grass.
Basho haiku'd a tiny jump and a boundless sound ...
The old pond.
A frog jumps in.
William Blake sang ...
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour
A small thing, no big trick for Zen folks!
Today’s Sit-A-Long video follows at this link. Remember: recording ends soon after the beginning bells; a sitting time of 15 to 35 minutes is recommended.
Please visit the forum thread here!

Welcome to Treeleaf Sangha
Treeleaf Zendo is an all-digital practice place for Zen practitioners who cannot easily commute to a Zen Center due to health concerns, living in remote areas, or childcare, work and family needs, and seeks to provide Zazen sittings, retreats, discussion, interaction with a teacher, and all other activities of a Soto Zen Buddhist Sangha.
Available for you any time, all fully online.